Bharat Kaul Indian Actor
The Bharat Kaul is an Indian actor, known for his role as Bhai Dhan Dhana in the recent blockbuster flick, "Raanjhana Saga". With a background that goes back to a humble village in Maharashtra, India, Bhai Dhana is now the top star of this Indian TV drama series. Bhai Dhan Dhana, also known as Bedi Dhana, is one of the main characters in the drama series Raanjhana Saga. The story of the drama follows a married life of Rajasthan's royal family. Raja Sawai Jai is the king of this noble clan. His sister is married to a poor tailor, and they share the burden of being a wife and husband together. Bedi Dhana is the daughter of a poor tailor. After her father dies, Bedi and her brothers are selling to live in the luxurious palaces of the rich. Bedi Dhana and her brothers are left with nothing but the clothes on their backs. One day, after being left with no choice by their king, Bhai Dhan Dhana decides to take up a job as an attendant to the king. Initially, Bhai Dhan Dhana does...